An established design & installation company has completed a MBO

posted 12th September 2024
The company provides high-quality stainless-steel catering equipment and fabrication to its customers across the UK catering industry. Since it began operating over 13 years ago, the company offer various specialist services including technical advice, maintenance contracts, commercial kitchen design, repairs to new or existing equipment and kitchen deep cleans.
The transaction will see the business enter a new era under the management team as it takes the company forward to further success.
Typically considered as a 'friendly' transaction between an employer and its employees, a Managment Buyout has become an increasingly popular form of business sale in recent years, with company owners opting for this route when they begin their succession plan process.
As a result, the transaction sees a company's management team buy out its current owner and gains control of the business through the creation of a holding company.
MBO's are advantageous for all parties involved whereby the buyer is already present in the company which makes transaction times shorter, employees can be involved in the decision-making within the business as well as it being a valuable opportunity for the management team to strengthen their ambitions.
GS Verde Group was pleased to have supported the company through every stage of its MBO transaction, and our multi-discipline team provided expert guidance to help the company's long-term growth success.
The GS Verde Group are business focused experts in getting deals done. To ensure the growth of your business, GS Verde Group provide expertise support and advise businesses on specialist corporate financial and legal steps. The group combines multiple disciplines including law, tax, finance and communications, to provide end-to-end support as a complete advisory team.